Saturday, May 5, 2012

Afternoon Snack- Fizz Tabs & Nutrition Bar.

Heading out to a dinner with the family later tonight, so I didn't want to fill up on lunch. Had a yummy protein shake (Arbonne of course *Here's the recipe* ) for lunch. 

But now, a few hours later, I'm hungry! It's the perfect time for my new favorite afternoon pick-me-up. An Arbonne fizz tab (pomegranate is my favorite!) and a NEW Fruit nutrition bar. Let me tell you, not only is this a healthy go to snack but it's also tasty and gives me a little kick to get through the day!

Our Arbonne Fizz Tabs have about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of tea. Enough to keep you alert and focused and not all jittery like a cup o' joe. These tabs (soon to be fizz sticks!) are packed full of vitamins and antioxidants. It's nice to know that this refreshing drink is good for me in so many ways. 

Now, on to the nutrition bar. I love that these are vegan AND gluten-free! Yummy goodness crammed into one little bar. I've got some in my car, gym bag, and a stash in the cabinets at home.

 So, how nutritious are these nutrition bars? Well, they have 15 vitamins and minerals, 9 grams of protein, and 3 grams of fiber! How's that for impressive. The protein is derived from peas and rice which is more easily digested than soy or whey protein. 

So, how are these bars gluten-free? They're made with quinoa which is a grain-like seed. Quinoa is easily digestible, high in protein, and has zinc and magnesium. 

For just 170 calories this little bar packs a big punch, gives you energy, and keeps you full. 

How's that for an afternoon snack? Full of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and more!

Check out for more info!

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